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小手工 / little handmade



所以宇宙旅行雜貨屋接下來的計畫是,sincerely yours, 小卡片系列要一口氣做一百份。


i have fallen in love with papers, since long long time ago.
i love collecting beautiful papers, and love cutting pasting papers and making little card, envelope, or little notebook...

because i really like the idea of writing mail to someone, from the beginning of a letter as " dear _ _ _ " to the very end " sincerely yours, _ _ _ ", i like it all, so even though i'm so very bad at writing, can't manage to write often, nor can't write nice letters, but when i'm making these small cards and little envelopes, i imaging how happy the receivers will be, i can feel the happiness as if i wrote many mails already.

so the next project of voyage de cosmos zakka store is, making 100 sets of sincerely yours, small card series.

100 small cards, and 100 little envelopes.
and and, the papers for the envelopes are my little treasures from the tokyo honeymoon trip early this year in the spring time.

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sincerely yours, 小卡片們將在近期內上架到線上的小雑貨店
sincerely yours, small cards will be available in the shop soon



小手工 / little handmade




little by little, slow slow sewing.
i found these two different lovely laces and hand sewed them together, and then it became the handle of the coaster.

for my little sewing project, i gave it a name,
called " picnic map "

deep in the heart of each one of us, there is a map, illustrated of the places that we've been dreaming to go to...

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little handmade coasters are available in the shop now



第一步 / the first step


all dreams are started here from a small small room of mine, little by little, day after day...
